Table des matières

Curriculum vitae

Synthetic vita

See Synthetic vita in French

Georges-Louis Baron

Born 18 Sept 1948. Emeritus professor of education, Université de Paris. Personal address: 40, rue Bézout, 75014 Paris. Tél. : 01 43 27 21 64.



* University Paris 7: studies in mathematics. Certificat d’aptitude professionnelle à l’enseignement secondaire de mathématiques (CAPES) : 1973. Postgraduate certificate of mathematics : 1974.

* Ecole normale supérieure de Saint Cloud: complementary training in informatics for education, 1975-76.

* University René Descartes Paris 5: studies in education.

Professional positions

Scientific activity

My main current research interests are threefold:

  1. Didactics of informatics: how are new contents introduced in the clasroom, with which effects, which student learning?
  2. How ICT innovations in educational settings eventually transform themselves into everyday realities?
  3. Historical study of pedagogical ideas and values linked with educational technology.

I have had a long history of research direction, having supervized 27 PhD theses and 5 habilitations to direct researches.

One of my main interest is francophony: I have participated in a lot of research projects funded by Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. But I also have much interest in international cooperation in general. I’m doctor honoris causa of the University of Patras (Greece).

Currently, I'm:

A selection of publications

  1. Baron, G.-L., & Bruillard, E. (2010). Language diversity and research on education in France: The case of ICT. In H. Marjetta & Z. karer Mojca (Éd.), National languages in higher education (p. 79–86). Ljublana: Zalozba ZRC. Consulté à l’adresse
  2. Baron, G.-L (2012). L’informatique en éducation: quel (s) objet (s) d’enseignement? E-Dossiers de L’audiovisuel: L’éducation Aux Cultures de L’information.
  3. Baron, G.-L. (2013). Enseignants, technologie éducative et techno-réformateurs. Vers une société sans écoles ? Recherches En Didactiques. Cahiers Théodile, 16, 59–74.
  4. Baron, G.-L(2013). La recherche francophone sur les technologies en éducation : Réflexions rétrospectives et prospectives. STICEF - Sciences et technologies de l’information et de la communication pour l’éducation et la formation, 20.
  5. Baron, G.-L. (2013). Technologies, Innovations and Teacher Creativity. Which Evolutions In The Next 20 Years? An Essay. In K. Kikis-Papadakis, F. Chaimala, & R. Papanastasiou, Enhancing Innovation and Creativity in Science Teaching. STENCIL Annual Report n. 3 (p. 66‑71). s.l.: Science Teaching European Network For Creativity and Innocation in Learning. IACM -FORTH. Consulté à l’adresse
  6. Baron, G.-L. (2014). Elèves, apprentissages et «numérique»: regard rétrospectif et perspectives. Recherches En Éducation, 18, 91–103.
  7. Baron, G.-L.; Drot-Delange, B. ; Grandbastien, M., & Tort, F. (2014). Computer Science Education in French Secondary Schools: Historical and Didactical Perspectives. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 14(2), 1-27.
  8. Baron, G.-L. & Zablot, S. (2015). Research on educational media and resources in the  field of French vocational education.  The case of automobile maintenance. Iartem e-journal, 7(3), 25-44.
  9. Baron, G.-L. & Drot-Delange, B. (2016). L’informatique comme objet d’enseignement à l’école primaire française ? Mise en perspective historique. Revue française de pédagogie. Recherches en éducation, (195), 51‑62.
  10. Baron, G.-L. & Zablot, S. (2017). De la constitution de ressources personnelles à la création de communautés formelles : étude de cas en France. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 11(2), 27‑45.
  11. Bruillard, E., & Baron, G.-L. (2018). Researching the Design and Evaluation of Information Technology Tools for Education. In J. Voogt, G. Knezek, R. Christensen, & K.-W. Lai (Éd.), Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (p. 1‑17).
  12. Bruillard, É., & Baron, G.-L. (2019). Collective Resolution of Enigmas, a Meaningful and Productive Activity in Moocs. In Digital Education : At the Moocs Crossroads Where the Interests of Academics and Business Converge. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.